A protein-packed, flavoursome favourite which is low in fat but high in taste. This bestselling Benyfit Natural raw dog food complete meal is the perfect place to start the transition to a raw dog food diet.
A delicious, nutritious and satisfying meal for your very best friend with 80% chicken meat, bone and offal and 20% fresh vegetables and botanicals. Devoured by dogs and loved by owners. If you want your dog to have healthy skin, cleaner teeth and gums, glossy coat, better digestion and strong bones, Benyfit Natural high-quality raw dog food is the only food you need.
- 65% Chicken with Bone
- 5% Ox Liver
- 5% Ox Kidney
- 5% Ox Heart
- 9% Carrot
- 8% Parsnip
- 3% Broccoli
Botanicals Including: Flaxseed Oil, Kelp, Turmeric, Celery Seeds, Alfalfa, Nettles, Psyllium Husk, Clivers & Wild Yam.
Nutritional Details
Moisture 72.7% | Crude Protein 13.1% | Crude Fat 10.30% | Crude Ash 2.8% | Crude Fibre 0.2% | Calcium 0.75% | Phosphorous 0.47% kcal/100g 137
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