Open Tues, Weds & Fri 10am-6pm, Sat & Sun 9am-4pm

Duck Meat Feast 80-10-10 1kg


Nutritious duck recipe raw dog food, made with human-grade duck, with 10% bone and 10% offal.


Flavoursome, nutritious and full of delicious duck. Benyfit Natural’s 80*10*10 raw dog food range packs a meaty punch. Duck Meat Feast is a deliciously nutritious, complete and satisfying meaty meal for your very best friend.

Our 80*10*10 range contains 80% prime cuts of human-grade, ethically sourced muscle meat, 10% bone, 5% ox kidney and 5% ox liver. 


  • 80% Duck
  • 10% Duck Bone
  • 5% British Ox Kidney
  • 5% British Ox Liver

Nutritional Details

Moisture 64.7% | Crude Protein 16.8% | Crude Fat 13.6% | Crude Ash 1.9% | Crude Fibre 0.7% | Calcium 1.3% | Phosphorous 0.6%


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